Düşük Kaliteli Sayfaları Tespit Etmek İçin Sıkıştırma Nasıl Kullanılabilir

The text discusses the concept of compressibility as a quality signal in SEO, emphasizing its potential to identify low-quality or spammy web pages. Compressibility refers to how much a web page can be reduced in size through compression, which can help detect duplicate content, doorway pages, and excessive keyword repetition. The research paper highlighted in the text, authored by notable scientists like Marc Najork and Dennis Fetterly, demonstrates that high compressibility often correlates with spam. However, relying solely on compressibility can lead to false positives, so combining multiple signals is recommended for more accurate spam detection. This insight is crucial for marketers and SEOs as it suggests that using a combination of signals, rather than a single one, can improve the accuracy of identifying spam and enhance overall SEO strategies.

Kaynak: https://www.searchenginejournal.com/how-compression-can-be-used-to-detect-low-quality-pages/530916/


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